Allergy and Rheumatology Clinic of Kansas City
Value. ​Quality Care. Convenience.
Contact Us : (913) 338-3222
We Moved To:
10460 Mastin St. 66212
Patient Manual - Medical Records
Our Responsibility

Because we as specialists are often in a unique position to comment about your illness when it pertains to issues such as work disability, limitations, or provision of items necessary for your care that insurance companies may be denying, our doctors are willing to fill out any necessary paperwork that may be involved or dictate letters as necessary. These forms should be ready for you to pick up one week after they are dropped off.
When copies of records are required for other doctors' offices, attorneys, or disability evaluations, our office will copy these records for you and make them available for whoever is requesting them within 7 to 10 days.
Your Responsibility​

The demands of our schedule limit the time we have available for filling out paperwork. It is appreciated if the volume and frequency of these forms can be kept to a minimum level needed for the agency requesting information. Because we consider our time and services to be of some value, we will be assessing a charge for medical forms and dictated physician statement to cover our costs.