Allergy and Rheumatology Clinic of Kansas City
Value. ​Quality Care. Convenience.
Contact Us : (913) 338-3222
We Moved To:
10460 Mastin St. 66212
Patient Manual - Referrals
Our Responsibility

When your insurance requires a referral from your primary care physician, our staff will remind you to bring this referral in order to ensure that the office visit will be covered. Moreover, our staff will make every attempt to keep track of referrals before a visit, and we will be certain before we provide any service through our office that this service will be covered as authorized by the referring physician's office.
Your Responsibility​
Because our staff will be reminding you to arrange for a referral from you primary care physician when insurance requires this, we expect these details to be take care of at least 24 hours prior to your visit. Any deviations from this procedure will result in unnecessary delays in your office visit. We understand that these details may be a burden, but it is a harsh reality of our current health care system that if services under a managed care organization are not authorized, they will not be covered.